Tax Settlement Commission Recruitment 2015-16
Income Tax Settlement Commission (ITSC) intends to engage
well-qualified personnel to fill up the vacant post of Administrative Officer
on deputation basis on usual terms and conditions of DOPT. More details and information can be derived at
of the Post – Administrative Officer
of Posting –
- Principal Bench, New Delhi
- Additional Bench, (Mumbai & Chennai)
of Eligibility –
Applicant must hold analogous post in parent cadre/dept.
on regular basis
5 yrs regular service in the grade of PB:3 Rs.15,600-39,100 + G.P R.5,400/- or its
similar cadre/dept.
7 yrs regular service in the grade of PB:2
Rs.9,300-34,800 + Rs.4,600/- or its equivalent
8 yrs regular service rendered in the grade of
Limitation – Age of the candidate applying for the above
position should not exceed by 56 years as on closing date of advt.
Procedure – Candidates believing themselves to be
appropriate for the position may forward application in the prescribed format
to the Under Secretary, Ad.I-C (AAR), Ministry of Finance, Department of
Revenue, Room No. 245(A), North Block, New Delhi.
Deadline – 60 days from the date of publication of advertisement.
Income Tax Settlement Commission for the Position of Technical Assistants
Job Details-
Position name for which application is invited: - Technical Assistants
Placement location:- New Delhi
Pay Scale:- Rs.9,300 to 34,800/-
Required qualification for the above post:- Interested & Desired candidates must have
passed out Bachelor's & Master's Degree from any reputed Institution.
How you can apply for the above post:- Students have to send their application duly
submit in the prescribed format along with all the educational and experience
documents attested by Gazetted Officer. Read More detail on
"The Secretary
Principal Bench
Income Tax Settlement Commission
4th Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan
Khan Market, New Delhi - 110003"
Important Date:
Last date of receiving application: within 30 days from the day of
publishing of this notification
About Income Tax Settlement Commission:- Income Tax Settlement Commission is a premier
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) body in India. This institution was set up
in 1976 by the Central Govt. on the recommendations of the Direct Taxes Enquiry
Committee set up under the Chairmanship of Justice K.N. Wanchoo, the retired
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India.
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