HRMS Project Officers Recruitment 2015-16 Advertisement Application Form 2014

HRMS provided application for the Position of Project Officers

About HRMS:- A human resource management system OR human resource information system, refers to the systems and processes at the intersection between human resource management and information technology. 

Job Details-

Position name for which application is invited:- Project Officers

Placement location:- Hyderabad

Age Criteria for this post:- Aspirants Age must be between 18 Years to 35 Years.

Required qualification for the above post:- Applicants must be completed Bachelor Degree such as B.Tech in Agricultural Engineering or B.Sc regular course from any reputed University. 

How you can apply for the above post:-The eligible students can download application form online from the official website which is on or before 13th May 2013 at 05.00 P.M. is the official website for providing info. on recruitment in India.

Procedures of Selection: Students will be done on the basis of Written Examination. 

Important Date:

Last Date of receipt of Application Form: 13/05/2013


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