SSC Eastern Region Recruitment 2015
Staff selection commission notifies vacancy
for eastern region for the year 2014. SSC recruit candidate to employee in
various government ministries. For more information visit . Details regarding eligibility, pay, location etc
are given below:
SSC Eastern Region is offering application
for Group C and D posts for the year 2014. The name of the posts is
given below:
1. Junior
2. Junior Technical Assistant
3. Storekeeper Grade II
4. Horticulture Assistant Grade I
5. Scientific Assistant
6. Senior Technical Assistant (Hydrogeology)
Number of Vacancies:
SSC is calling application for 9 seats.
Job Location:
SSC Eastern Region Chhattisgarh.
Remuneration Offered - Pay Band I: Rs 5200-20200 plus G.P. of Rs 2800/- (for all the posts
except JTA and STA.
For Junior Technical Assistant and Senior Technical
Assistant : Pay Band II of Rs 9300- 34800 Plus Grade pay of Rs 4200/-.
Eligibility Criteria: Minimum eligibility criteria
are mentioned below:
Candidate should have Graduate & Post Graduate degree in any subject from any recognized University. The candidatesd having 02 to 03 years of minimum
work experience in the concerned field will be given more preference for the
offered job posts.
Process of Selection:
Aspirants will be selected on the basis of
screening/ personality test/skill test/proficiency test/Interview.
Applying Procedure:
Interested aspirants can download the
application form from the official website of SSC and send the same long with
relevant all compulsory documents along with application. This includes the following: Certificates of
Educational Qualification, Certificates of Caste and Age Proof respectively.
The applications duly filled in should be directed at the address as mentioned
here below:
Deputy Director,
Staff Selection Commission (MPR),
J-5, Anupam Nagar, Raipur (C.G.) – 492007
Closing Dates:
Closing date form the application form is 18.07.2014.
Candidates should submit the application form before the closing date. Closing
date for Remote Area Application is 25.07.2014.
Application Fees:
Candidates are required to pay Rs 50/- for General / OBC category candidates. Candidate who are physically handicapped,
women and Ex-serviceman are completely exempted from the application fees.
Official website:
For more derails candidates are requested to
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