CSIR-IITR Senior Scientist Recruitment 2015-16 Advertisement Application Form 2015

CSIR-IITR provided application for the Position of Senior Scientist

About CSIR-IITR:- Indian Institute of Toxicology Research (IITR), Lucknow, a constituent laboratory of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, was established in 1965. IITR is a NABL accredited laboratory for biological and chemical testing.

Job Details-

Position name for which application is invited:- Senior Scientist

Placement location:- Lucknow

Age Criteria for this post:- Students should not be more than 32 Years.

Pay Scale:- Rs.15,600 to 39,100/- Per Month.

Required qualification for the above post:- Eligible aspirants must be pass out Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) Zoology or Physiology from any recognized College. 
Required Application Fee:- General students DD for Rs.100/- drawn on any nationalized bank and valid for at least three months in favour of "Director, IITR" payable at Lucknow. 

How you can apply for the above post:- Applicants have to apply online from the official website which is www.iitrindia.org. This computer generated application duly accompanied by attested copies of the certificates, mark sheets, education qualification, experience and caste certificate, passport size self-signed photograph affixed together with DD must be sent in an envelope superscribed by post to the Director, IITR, M. G. Marg, Post Bag No. 80, Lucknow-226001. ibpsclerkrecruitmentinfo.blogspot.in is the official website for providing info. on recruitment in India.

Important Date:

Last Date of receipt of Application Form: 06/06/2013

Procedures of Selection: Entrants will be selection on the basis of Written Examination.


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