CFTRI Project Assistant Recruitment 2014|2015 Advertisement Application Form 2014

CFTRI provided application for the Position of Project Assistant

About CFTRI:- India's Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI) was opened on 21/10/1950. It is based in Mysore. C.F.T.R.I. Mysore is one of the 40 national research laboratories set up under the aegis of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research. 

Job Details-

Position name for which application is invited:- Project Assistant

Placement location:- Mysore

Age Criteria for this post:- All desired candidates Age must not be less than 28 Years.

Pay Scale:- Rs.12,000/- per month.

Required qualification for the above post:- All candidates must have passed Master Degree courses like M.Sc. in Food Technology with 60% marks from any reputed College.

How you can apply for the above post:- Entrants can send their complete resume with e-mail contract phone number along with attested copies of the compulsory documents to Dr. R. Sai Manohar, Sr. Principal Scientist (email: FMBCT Department, CSIR-CFTRI, Mysore - 570 020 on or before 22th May 2013. is the official website for providing info. on recruitment in India.

Important Date:

Last Date of receipt of Application Form: 22/05/2013

Procedures of Selection: Interested applicants will be selection on the basis of Face to Face Interview.


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