CMERI Senior Resident Medical Officer Recruitment 2015-16 Advertisement Application Form 2015

CMERI provided application for the Position of Senior Resident Medical Officer

About CMERI:- Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute (CMERI), a constituent establishment under Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, New Delhi, under Department of Science & Technology, Government of India.

Job Details-

Position name for which application is invited:- Senior Resident Medical Officer

Placement location:- West Bengal

Age Criteria for this post:- All candidates should not be more than 40 Years.

Procedures of Selection: Selection of the applicants will be done on the basis of Written test followed by Personal Interview.

Required qualification for the above post:- Entrants should have passed Bachelor Degree courses like M.B.B.S & MD (Medicine) with 3 years of relevant experience.
How you can apply for the above post:- Aspirants are required to apply the application form from the official website which is You fill all the details and attached all education documents & experience certificate and affix your latest passport size photograph. Aspirants can send their dully fill application along with Demand Draft with super scribe to the following official address. is the official website for providing info. on recruitment in India. 

Official Address:

To the Administrative Officer,

CSIR-CMERI Mahatma Gandhi Avenue

Durgapur–713 209 (West Bengal) 

Important Date:

Last Date of submit your application as on before: 03/06/2013


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