AMU Principal Recruitment 2015-16 Advertisement Application Form 2015

AMU provided application for the Position of Principal

About AMU:- Aligarh Muslim University is a public university, funded by the central govt. of India. It was established by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan as Madrasatul Uloom Musalmanan-e-Hind, in 1875 which later became Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental College.

Job Details-

Position name for which application is invited:- Principal

Placement location:- Aligarh
Pay Scale:- Not Negotiable

Required qualification for the above post:- Candidates or Students should be completed Post Graduate Degree with at least 55 percent marks & Ph.D. Degree from a reputed Institution.
How you can apply for the above post:- Willing students have to apply must be downloading the application format from the official website which is You should attach all relevant certificaetes and latest passport size photo with application form, attaching age proof certificate with the application form. Students can send their dully fill application to the following address as on before 09/05/2013. is the official website for providing info. on recruitment in India. 

Official Address:

To the Deputy Registrar,

Selection Committee Section,

Aligarh Muslim University,

Aligarh (U.P)

Important Date:

Last date of receipt application- 09/05/2013

Procedures of Selection: Candidates can be selected on performance in Interview. 


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