UP Police Recruitment 2015-16 Advertisement Application Form 2015

 UP Police Recruitment 2015-16

Uttar Pradesh Police is the largest police force in the world. It works under a single head (command). Head quarter of UP police is in Allahabad. Read More details on ibpsclerkrecruitmentinfo.blogspot.in

Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board has notified vacancy for various positions of Reserve Police, Fireman and other important positions.


UP police invites application for the following posts:

        1. Reserve Police

        2. Fireman

        3. Police Regional Armed Constabulary

Seats available:

UP police invites application for the following number of available seats:

Number of seats
Reserve Police
Police Regional Armed Constabulary


Minimum eligibility required by the UP Police for the above mentioned post is that the aspirants should be high school passed from a recognized or renowned board.

Minimum and Maximum Age: 

Male aspirants should be between 18 to 22 years of age as on 1 July 2013 to apply for the post.
Whereas female aspirants should be between 18 to 25 years of age on 1 July 2013 to apply for the post.
Relaxation in age will be provided as per organization rules. 

Way of Applying:

a.) Application fees is Rs 200/-.  Individuals should submit the application form between 18 July 2013 to 18 August 2013. 

b.) It should be noted here that candidate are not required to attach the relevant document and mark sheets. As minimum eligibility for the post is high school only. 

c.) Aspirant should pay the requisite application amount and have to collect an OMR sheet from the nearby post office.

Fill the OMR sheet properly and deposit it in the same nearby post office. 

Those who are applying online and directly log in to the organization’s website and fill all the details along with the scanned photographs.

Selection Procedure:

Eligible candidates will be selected on the basis of written test and other examination. Candidates should note here that physical fitness examination plays a major role in selecting candidates for the UP police. Therefore candidates should appear in it with utmost care and zeal. 

Crucial Dates:
  • Closing date to submit online application form 20 August 2013. 
  • Closing date to submit OMR sheet 20 August 2013. 
  • Aspirants are required to visit uppolice.up.nic.in for full information. 

For more details log on to official website as stated above.


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