SCTIMST provided
application for the Position of Graduate Apprentice
About SCTIMST:- Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical
Sciences and Technology metamorphosed into an Institute of National Importance
with the status of a University in 1980 under the Department of Science and
Technology, Government of India by an Act of Parliament (Act 52 of 1980).
Job Details-
Position name for which
application is invited:- Graduate Apprentice
location:- Thiruvananthapuram
Age Criteria for this
post:- All eligible applicants
Age must not be less than 35 Years.
Pay Scale:- Rs.3,300/- P.M.
Required qualification
for the above post:- Students
must have completed Under Graduate & Post Graduate Degree from any govt.
How you can apply for
the above post:- The
interested aspirants can appear for a Walk-in-interview along with resume,
original copies of documents to prove their age, qualification etc. Venue : IV
Floor, Achutha Menon Centre for Health Science Studies of the Institute at
Medical College Campus, Thiruvananthapuram. is the official website for providing
info. on recruitment in India.
Important Date:
Last Date of receipt of
Application Form: 22/05/2013
Procedures of Selection: Candidates or Students will be done on the
basis of Walk in Interview.
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