Jamia Millia Islamia provided
application for the Position of Research Projects
About Jamia Millia Islamia:- Jamia Millia Islamia is a public central university located
in Delhi. It was established at Aligarh in United Provinces, India in 1920. The
university was established by nationalist Muslim leaders in 1920 prior to
Job Details-
Position name for which application
is invited:- Research Projects
Placement location:- Delhi
Pay Scale:- Rs.10,500/- Per Month
Required qualification for the above
post:- Candidates must be pass out Master
Degree in Child Development or Education subject with at least 55 percent marks
from any recognized College.
How you can apply for the above
post:- Students can apply along with their
latest Bio-data to the Director, CECDR, Jamia Millia Islamia latest by
10/05/2013, indicating the name of the Project they wish to apply for, either
through email (jmi.cecdr@gmail.com). ibpsclerkrecruitmentinfo.blogspot.in is
the official website for providing info. on recruitment in India.
Important Date:
Last date for Online Registration:
Procedures of Selection: Selection of the applicants will be done on the basis of
Written Examination.
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