IIT Bombay Sr.Research Engineer Recruitment 2015-16 Advertisement Application Form 2015

IIT Bombay provided application for the Position of Sr.Research Engineer

About IIT Bombay:- IIT Bombay, the 2nd in the chain of IITs, was set up in 1958. It was the 1st IIT to be set up with foreign assistance. IIT Bombay has a total of fourteen academic departments, 06 centres, 01 school, and 03 interdisciplinary programmes. 

Job Details-

Sr. No.
Post Name

Senior Research Engineer               
Applicants should be completed Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering, from any reputed Institute or Organization.
Rs.38,000 to 60,000/- per month

Lab Attendant
Eligible candidates must have 10th (Matriculation) with 2 years experience in relevant field from a recognized University
Rs.7,000 to 13,500/- p.m.

Junior Technician
Eligible entrants should be qualified Diploma / ITI from recognized Govt. college
Rs.11,000 to 20,000/- Per Month

Placement location:- Mumbai

Procedures of Selection: Desired students can be selected on the basis of Written Examination.

How you can apply for the above post:- The interested candidates can apply online from the official website which is www.ircc.iitb.ac.in, project title, position applied for, name, permanent and mailing addresses, date of birth, download the Application form available on with the copies of certificates, IIT, Bombay, Powai, Mumbai-400076. ibpsclerkrecruitmentinfo.blogspot.in is the official website for providing info. on recruitment in India. 

Important Date:

Last Date for submission of Application: 28/05/2013


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